
The Next Stage of the Korean Peace Process

When the U.S.–North Korean summit in Hanoi ended early, with no agreement whatsoever, many South Koreans were shocked. The disappointing conclusion shook the public’s faith in summit diplomacy and undermined Seoul’s efforts to foster parallel processes: for denuclearizing North Korea, building a peace regime on the Korean Peninsula, and fostering inter-Korean economic cooperation. In short, South Korean President Moon Jae-in’s strategy for bettering relations among Seoul, Washington, and Pyongyang after the summit was shattered.


Vietnamese Perceptions of South Korea and South Koreans

Diplomats and politicians are preoccupied with how to deepen relations between Vietnam and South Korea in political and socio-economic areas and people-to-people ties. They point to factors such as South Korea’s substantial investment in Vietnam, the cultural exchange between South Korea and Vietnam, and their geopolitical similarity, to reach conclusions about the prospects for a different South Korea-Vietnam relationship. All of these factors are no doubt significant.


The Role of Chinese Influence in the Second Trump-Kim Summit

There is a debate going on about whether China will play the role of “spoiler” – again – in the widely expected summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Trump has already openly complained, at least three times, that “China was behind” North Korea's defiant attitude that led to the negotiations stalling last year. Will the same thing happen again?


Achieving Peace and Stability: Drawing Some Best Practices from Southeast Asia

With the recent positive developments in the Korean Peninsula resulting from or brought about by (depending on how one wants to see it) the summit of the two Korea’s leaders which was preceded by the summit between the US President and North Korea’s leader, there is much optimism for the region to have peace and stability. Such optimism is not unfounded, given the sustained policy of the South Korean government to promote ties with North Korea as well as the seemingly increasing receptivity of the North Korean leadership to being at peace with its Southern neighbor.


Japan’s Continuing Scepticism towards Korean Denuclearization

Throughout 2018, Japan has consistently taken a sceptical attitude towards the progress of Korean denuclearization talks. Even as U.S. president Donald Trump went from threatening nuclear war to declaring that he and the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un “fell in love”, the Japanese government maintained its advocacy of “maximum pressure”. However, following the 3rd Inter-Korean summit in September and with plans underway for a second Trump-Kim meeting, there are signs that Tokyo is belatedly reconsidering its position. Doubts remain, however, about the extent to which Japan is really willing and able to play an active role in this process.


Historical Opportunity for OBOR and NAPCR’s Strategic Connection

Economic development and regional economic integration in Northeast Asia are underdeveloped and unbalanced. Economic development and regional cooperation are strong aspirations of the countries in the region. The objective needs of economic development in this region have actually put forward requirements for economic integration and cooperation in Northeast Asia. In fact, all countries have put forward their own regional cooperation initiatives or ideas. China has its “One Belt and One Road” strategic initiative; while in January of 2018, the “Silk Road on Ice” was put forward.


Time is limited for the Korean Peninsula Peace Process

The 2018 inter-Korean summits and the US - DPRK Singapore summit were opportunities that were built on the culmination of domestic political events over the past several years, and carried forward by the leadership in each country. This recent opening in the peace process is a window of opportunity that must be seized, as each leader’s mandate to engage in this peace process is likely to expire in the near future. Furthermore, while the diplomatic process between the two Koreas is moving forward at a considerable pace, its speed is constrained by a stalled process between the DPRK and the US



Political rhetoric about interregionalism often presupposes that international organisations like the European Union (EU) and ASEAN are natural and like-minded partners. Of course, this overly simplistic interpretation must not eclipse the fundamental differences that characterise both patterns of regional integration. But recent geopolitical and –economic dynamics are breaking new ground for interregional cooperation between the EU and Asia.


与北韩的外交之道: 只关注无核化非良策

上个月,美国与北韩的外交新阶段在平壤艰难开启。在与美国国务卿迈克•蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)进行一系列会谈后,北韩外交部批评美国“要求北韩无核化的单边流氓行径”。蓬佩奥则坚持认为会议“很有成效”。会谈再次表明只关注无核化会且仍会以失败告终,就这一意义而言,蓬佩奥没有错。一味的执着于终止核计划将会延迟对于其他重要问题的探讨。由于解决关键问题的压力越来越大,整个外交进程可能停滞乃至失败,从而再次引发危机。相比之下,开展更大范围内的外交进程实际上更有助于推动无核化以及其他方面问题的改善。


China and the Prospect for North Korea’s Denuclearization

China is surrounded by more nuclear powers and nuclear-capable states than any other country in the world. A nuclearized North Korea does not serve China’s interests. If North Korea decides to denuclearize, its relations with China will immediately improve, as evidenced by the fact that shortly after President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un agreed to meet face-to-face, Kim was welcomed to Beijing and met with President Xi Jinping in March 2018.

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